
Anarchist Bookfair - Lisbon- 23, 24 and 25th of May of 2008

On May 23, 24 and 25th of 2008, there will be an Anarchist bookfair in Lisbon proposed by several anarchist collectives and individuals, at Grupo Desportivo da Mouraria.

The aim of this event is to create a space for the exposition and debate of anarchist ideas and struggles, as for the gathering and strengthen of relations between people that share an anti-authoritarian view ofthe world.

The Fair will provide, beyond books, pamphlets, magazines and all the other stuff, a program with different activities such as debates, workshops, screenings, performances and what else the imagination of the participants decide.

We invite everyone interested to participate either with books and other kind of publications or with other activities.

You can contact us, confirming your presence/ activity, until 20th of April for these contacts:

E-mail: feiradolivroanarquista@gmail.com
Post: Apartado 40 / 2801-801 Almada / Portugal

For more information: